Never miss anything
important on Twitter
tweet2email helps you scan Twitter for leads, brand mentions or anything else and sends notifications to messengers or over webhook.
Get relevant tweets, instantly
Monitor selected accounts or search queries regularly and get notified whenever a relevant tweet is found
Receive tweets in Discord, Slack, Telegram or integrate with your products using webhooks
Spot trends, find mentions of your brand, or get alerted of relevant customer prospects. tweet2email is adaptable and can monitor anything you require
Receive nearly instant notifications whenever target accounts tweet or comment on anything (available on Pro plan only)

Cut through the noise with flexible filters
Set up filters to get relevant notifications: filter based on author's profile, tweet reach and engagement, or specific keywords present in the tweet
Don't waste hours sorting though irrelevant mentions and leads
Create custom integrations using webhooks or Zapier
Trigger a webhook for every relevant tweet to process with your own systems
Use one of Zapier's automations to trigger a custom workflow whenever a relevant tweet is found
Receive the entire tweet and user's data for full flexibility

Our Plans
$19 /month
- 3 monitored accounts or search queries
- Unlimited mentions / tweets
- Updates every 2 hours
- Get alerts in Email, Discord, Telegram, Slack
- No custom webhooks or Zapier for new tweets
$59 /month
- 12 monitored accounts or search queries
- Unlimited mentions / tweets
- Updates every 15 minutes
- Get alerts in Email, Discord, Telegram, Slack
- Receive new tweets using any custom webhook / Zapier
$149 /month
- 40 monitored accounts or search queries
- Unlimited mentions / tweets
- Updates every 5 minutes
- Get alerts in Email, Discord, Telegram, Slack
- Receive new tweets using any custom webhook / Zapier
Need more?
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about tweet2email